Saturday, December 20, 2008

Have you ever sang "We are the World?"

My third-years often do writing assignments. They usually have a red pen in hand, so that they’re ready to underline unknown words in their English textbooks. But the other day, the teacher let them spew some creativity while writing short skits.

It was refreshing to see these kids use their English skills with some original flair! The students were too shy to present their skits in front of the entire class, so I had to listen to them do their thing in the hallway. (I also want to note that the school hallways are unheated – all the kerosene heaters are placed inside the classroom. Fun times!)

Anyways, here are a couple of my favourites.

I have dubbed this one: “She is very cute.”

Y: Mako, have you ever been to Neverland?
M: No, I haven’t. How about you?
Y: Of course, I go every night!
M: What do you like best?
Y: Let’s see… I like Tinkerbell the best. She is very cute.
M: Do you want to go there tonight?
Y: Of course.
M: OK, I have a stomachache tonight. So have fun.

The Michael Jackson song printed in the third-years’ textbook most likely inspired the following skit. I called it: "Rejection and Michael Jackson"

S: Miki, have you ever sang “we are the world’
M: No, I haven’t.
S: Do you like Michael Jackson?
M: No, I don’t. But I like The Thriller the best of him.
S: Me too.
M: Would you like to come to his concert with me?
S: I’m sorry but thank you anyways.