Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Am I contagious?

It seems like old people think that I will infect them with germs.

Let me explain. I had to go to a health clinic tucked away in a nearby village, so that I could finish the last of my travel vaccinations. I overheard the elderly folk asking my supervisor in Japanese if he was indeed in good health. He explained that "the foreigner needs to get some vaccinations." Curious glances ensued.

When my supervisor left for a few minutes to do some errands, I had the entire bench to myself. An old lady came in, and sat down about two feet away from me. She looked over, and squeezed herself onto a bench that was filled to capacity with five other obaachan.

And that, my friends, marked my first experience as truly feeling like that "gaijin with germs." (Foreigner with germs).

That's right - I'm humorously donning a mask in the above photo. In Japan, it's actually very popular and "considerate" to wear a mask. The trend certainly increased with the swine flu scare. When I first saw the trend, it totally threw me off. But you get used to it. I forgot to warn my family before they came over for a visit last winter, so they were surprised when they saw everyone and their baby's mamma wearing masks.

My students often wear them, in an effort to avoid the "influenza" or a common cold. The mask is also used by those with illnesses, so that they'll protect others from getting it. It also functions as a great cover-up for those unsightly blemishes, I bet.

I've only tried on a mask twice since being here. And both occasions have involved an intense dusting of my house, that's all. I am grossed out when my students take off their masks at school. They place it neatly on the side of their desk during lunchtime, then place it right back on after brushing their teeth. Mmm, think of all the germs crawling on that moist mask.

Now, that's hygienic.

My next adventure in the health field? Going to the dentist this summer.