Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Really old Christmas cake.

I just wrapped up a really nice Skype chat with my family. I tore open my presents and cards from them on video chat! Isn't technology amazing?

Tomorrow, I will be celebrating my 26th birthday. I really can't believe that this will be my 3rd birthday celebration in Japan... time flies when you're having fun, eh!

Two years ago, I was a fresh-faced noob who was dropped off into the depths of the Japanese countryside. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I didn't have an Internet connection nor phone, so my parents called the Board of Education. The entire office racked their brains, putting my mom on hold three times in an effort to fully understand her message. How cute!! But I'm glad that I was able to Skype them this time around, so I could hear their birthday greetings myself. If you want to read about it, I wrote about my 24th birthday here:

Last year, I had one of the best birthday extravaganzas ever. On the weekend, I invited about 35 of my closest friends to the Asahi Beer Garden. We feasted over meat and unlimited drinks for two hours. We would continue the party in Koriyama, where more drinks were consumed. I sadly left my delicious brownies, personally made by D-kun, in someone's car. I got insane texts from M. at 7 a.m., asking me where he left his backpack. (I should also add that I walked over to the nearest police station, because he initially wanted me to meet him there and show him back to S's slumber party). And the infamous incident wherein A. lost his shirt. Crazy shenanigans were had by all. Even my school knew that I had a ridiculous party, because the school baseball team saw us rocking up to the beer garden. Of course, I insisted on taking photos with the boys (and their mothers!) For more information, look here:

I guess we'll just have to see what this year holds.