Saturday, March 19, 2011


It's been just over a week that Fukushima was destroyed by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake, which released an unfortunate series of reactions. Not only are we faced with the usual aftershocks, but also tsunamis wiping out the coastal towns and problematic nuclear reactors.

I don't know where to begin my story. I think I'll put it off for another day. I have been through a whirlwind of emotions this week. But I just want everyone to know that I am safe in Tokyo, having sought refuge with lovely relatives. 

I am thankful for the love and support I've received from family, friends and colleagues. There was Masanao-sensei who pulled my arm, forcing me to dash out of the school as it swayed from the aftershocks. The countless FuJETs (and honourary FuJETs) who have been such an amazing support network. The overworked city officers, especially my BoE. The local Japanese people. The teachers. My Japanese father (aka my supervisor). The volunteers who have gone up to Fukushima to help with relief efforts. The nuclear plant workers who are risking their lives while doing their best to battle the reactors. My parents. My brother. My cousin and wife, who are in the midst of nursing me back to health from this experience. My students, who are reminding me that life can go on after such trauma. (S-chan got into Asaka High School! She texted me from her brand-new iPhone. 'Atta girl!) Brent's updates online. Dougie's reassuring words on Facebook. Buster. My keitai. That Landcruiser.

There are so many people (and a certain fluffy Maine Coon) to thank. I could go on. You know who you are. Words cannot sufficiently express my gratitude. 

For now, I'll retire to bed. One day, I'll share my story. I'll tell you one thing. It's been surreal.