Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I've quickly flipped through my blog, and have duly noted that I have loads of stories that I still want to share. I'm absolutely tired right now, so I'll just make a rolling list of stuff that will help jog my memory for future posts:

- Tokyo Trip in March (AGEHA)
- Nichu good-byes
- Hiroshima/Miyajima trip with the girls in March
- Sakura BBQ
- Golden Week in May: Kansai (Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Himeji); Seoul.
- Sendai shenanigans
- Watching baseball in Sendai
- "Drinking party" to celebrate baseball at Nichu
- Sports Day
- Leavers' Party in Fukushima-shi
- Facing Mt. Fuji
- Tokyo Orientation (Groups A and B)
- Care packages
- Playing with my shogakusei
- Good-byes
- Fun times with my 3年生
- I don't sleep on the floor no more