Monday, February 16, 2009

Let's enjoy English

I had dozens of students compliment me today.
"Hi, Gemma-sensei. You are the most wonderful in the universe!"
"You are more interesting than I am!"
"You are the most beautiful in Japan."

Granted, it was a speaking activity during English class. The students were busy reading prompts off their worksheets, in an effort to practice comparatives and superlatives once again. I made a fourteen-year-old boy giggle when I said, "Wow! You are taller than me." Precious.

I also made an effort to hang out with my san-nensei (third-graders) again. I haven't really had a proper class with them since late December, so I don't feel a great connection with them. It's a shame, because they're graduating in mid-March. I've heard them enthusiastically practice their farewell song, which reminded me how school life has such a major impact on their notion of self. They've spent their weekdays and weekends studying and playing at school; it's no wonder that they'll be crushed when they leave behind old teachers and friends.

At lunch, I ended up chatting with some of the third-grade boys. I found out what high schools they're hoping to attend, and other random stuff. I also learned that while they can't communicate freely in English, they have done a solid job at looking up dirty words. I was also reminded of a Sean Connery skit from Saturday Night Live, as these kids tried to talk with me. No, the pen is larger. Urgh.