Saturday, June 6, 2009

Celebrity status

It happens to all of us.

Everyone and their baby's mamma recognizes the local ALT out and about in the community. I can't go to the kombini (convenience store) or shopping complex without being recognized. It sounds pretty self-centered; but I really am the token "gaijin" (foreigner) in my neighbourhood.

The other day, I got into my car after getting an onigiri (rice ball) from the local 7/11. As I was slowly driving off, three of my shogakkusei (elementary school kiddos) recognize me, and started screaming "Gemma-sensei!! Gemma-sensei!" I gave them a polite wave, then kept weaving my way through the narrow streets of my neighbourhood.

An additional four kiddos were then added to the mix. These kids had guts; they actually chased my car while screaming my name. When I had to make a stop, they plastered themselves against my car. Oh, the danger! I had to turn off my engine, and politely ask them to step away from my car. Nothing like having four little kids draped across your windows and car hood.

Shogakkusei are crazy cute, but also just plain crazy.

Another recent encounter includes a run-in with one of my kids who graduated last year. It also happens that he's one of the sons of my landlord. I was at the nearby community, signing up for another month of yoga classes. And that's when A. saw me. We actually struck up a conversation in English, which is pretty refreshing. I am really proud that he always tries to speak in English with me - he doesn't care if he makes mistakes. He was even able to explain to me that the community centre clerk has a daughter. I taught her last year, too! She was tickled pink when I saw her kiddo at the train station the other week.