Sunday, April 4, 2010

Say what?

In the midst of my spring cleaning, I found some interesting scraps of paper. I had copied down some of the funny Engrish I've stumbled upon this year, while correcting my students' attempts at writing in English:

"My family was planting rice all day. I washed the rice box. My mother washed the rice box, too. My brother H carried the rice box. But my brother M went to high school."

"I went to Y's home. It was dangerous there. Many game on the Yuji room."

"We Sunday morning. Weed the school. Very tired. Tree on the beetle. Afternoon is D and S. with. Let's go to Koriyama to play with Yodobashi Kamera."

Kids say the darndenest things.

Also, my spring cleaning is becoming an epic fail. I'd rather sit down and watch episodes of America's Next Best Dance Crew, Season 5. It's dope.