Saturday, January 31, 2009

Taking it easy

One of my BoE bosses told me that it's very Japanese to sit under your kotatsu table whilst eating mikan (a small, delicious orange). I took his advice to heart, and have spent the bulk of my Saturday afternoon hibernating under my table whilst sipping my instant coffee and caramel macchiato biscotti from Ottawa. (Thanks, Mom!) I didn't have any mikan in my pantry. Does it count that I ate one at lunch yesterday? Anyways.

I thought that Mother Nature was paving the way for greener pastures. This week, the days seemed a tad longer, with the sun setting an hour later than usual. Here was the view last week:

This afternoon, I woke up and took a quick peek out of my curtains. Huge snowflakes were falling down left and right, and my parking lot was covered in slush. Snow, snow, everywhere. Granted, I woke up pretty late, since I only got home at seven this morning after a lengthy night of dinner and karaoke. So, this did leave ample time for snow to cover my little city. I decided to go for a quick trek to my nearby kombini; in the process, I learned that my winter boots are not quite waterproof. Shopping, anyone?!

This is a photo of my car, Haruto Onegaishimasu. The snow slid from the roof, and curled onto my windshield: