Sunday, January 24, 2010

Smell ya later!

In recent times, I've spent my Sunday mornings cruising around Motomiya in my little kei-car. My favourite discovery has been a little gazebo sitting at the end our downtown area's main drag. This little wooden nook offers sweeping views of Mt. Adatara and the Abukuma River. Last week, I sat there for a few minutes to soak in the snow-capped mountains and a pelican-like bird soaring over the river. I will never get tired of the countryside's picturesque views.

But last Sunday, I was in Koriyama with some friends. After a night of drinks and good fun on Saturday night, we woke up with hunger pains and ended up at a ramen shop. There, we were served dericious ramen which we topped with the obligatory garlic.

I was too lazy to brush my teeth for a second time that morning, and hopped back into my car for the drive home. I ended up going to the grocery store in my neighbourhood, wanting to pick up all the necessary embellishments for taco night.

Of course, I had to run into my students. Now, I'm totally getting used to being recognized at the grocery store whenever I go out. Even when I'm simply rocking ol' jogging pants and no make-up, I don't have a problem greeting my students. But this time, I ran into a grand total of 10 kids.

Seven of them are my 3年生 boys, who awkwardly stopped as I yelled "Hello!!!" to them. Y.-kun is pretty good at understanding English, so he was the one who explained that they were buying ramen. (I saw them fill their "cup ramen" with hot water, then eat it in the seating area near the baked goods section. I've seen a few of my kids congregate at those tables. I guess it's the place to be, especially since our town doesn't have any movie theatres or big shopping malls nearby!) When I was exiting the store, two first-years and one second-year boy came over to say herro as well.

I love basking in this sliver of celebrity, but I hope they didn't tell their friends that I smelled like garlic-laced ramen!! The kids already look at me funny during school lunch, since I'm not that great at eating ramen noodles with chopsticks. (I often bring my cute blue chopsticks, shaped like pencils, to keep the distracted from my lack of chopstickery skills).