Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Baaaaarthday to you!

Over the weekend, I got an e-mail from one of my students. I don't get a lot of regular e-mail from my students, because I've only handed it out to select few this year. So, it's pretty exciting to see what's new!

Subject heading? "A Happy Day." Here's what the newly minted 15-year-old had to say:

"Dear Gemma SEMSEI

Today is my birthday(≧▽≦)☆ !!!

ヾ(≧∇≦*)/やったぁ♬♬ ♬♬."
What a cutiepatootie! Her excitement was contagious, so I sent her an electronic birthday card. I chose an adorable Spongebob-themed card with a simple English message. She loved it!

The birthday greetings continued in class today, after I read K-kun's in-class assignment. I learned that his birthday was also over the weekend. I loudly wished him a "Happy Birthday!" and he nodded with a smile. But then S-kun overheard, and led the class in a rousing rendition of "Happy Baaaaarthday!" K-kun laughed, his cheeks obviously flushed.

He dropped his head onto his desk, as his fellow classmates continued to clap loudly for him. I can sort of see why the kids treat me like an older sister, not a teacher. I like to cause slightly embarrassing moments for them!