Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sat. Sept. 13 – Hurly-burly-curly’s birthday!

Walking through tall grasses in the middle of nowhere in Fukushima City, I looked at used car after used car in Nana’s (an amazingly helpful dude who sells cars) grassy parking area. I was looking for an automatic kei-car with at least two years’ worth of shaken. (Shaken is some sort of biannual vehicle inspection deal).
He had tons of cars, but most of them were standard. So, my decision was pretty easy. I settled on a small silver k-car with a bright blue interior. It also has a cassette deck, which will let me play my iPod. Sweet! The price was a little steep given my salary, but my parents spoiled me with extra cash money before I got here… thanks a million, Mom and Dad!! I’ll pay you back some how ☺ I’ll need to find another job when I get home, though…
That night, we had a little dinner at a quaint Italian restaurant in Fukushima to celebrate S’s birthday. (S. is an English teacher from nearby Otama Village. She’s hilarious, and always says very English things such as: “That’s ace!” I love it). Anyways, the view overlooked the eki-mae (front of the train station), making it interesting to watch people go about their business. We then moved onto karaoke, which as you know… I love karaoke!! Hitting up nomihodai (all-you-can drink) at both the restaurant and karaoke proved to be a swell idea.