Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let's exploring

Last year, I travelled a lot. I wanted to do everything, see everything. I crashed on S's living room every weekend in Koriyama last fall. I didn't have a problem staying out all night in Fukushima, only to find a couple hours of slumber in a karaoke box. And I yearned for the sleepless nights in Tokyo, eating McDonald's at six a.m. while waiting for the first train out of Shibuya.

This year, I travelled a bit. But I regret not exploring all that much more. I shouldn't complain, I know. My Japanese bosses and co-workers often marvel at how much I leave the city. A-sensei remembered how I distributed small packages specially-flavoured dried seaweed to my BoE people, after my trip to Seoul last Golden Week.

So, I'm wondering what can I be thankful for discovering this year...

Feeling desperation and stupidity while clambering up the volcanic rocks of Mt. Fuji last July. Seeing the bright lights of Tokyo with the noobs in the summer. Waiting in lines at Disney Sea with the girls in Tokyo last September. Seeing the colourful autumn transformation in Nikko in November -- content and alone. Showed a chilhood friend the nooks and crannies of Tokyo. Doing the FuJET trips as the fearful leader - being reunited with the soccer pitches in Nagano and the snow streetscapes of Sapporo. And of course, my well-needed trip back home where I did nothing but slept, watched satellite television, ate fatty foods, hung out with my family and occassionally saw my ol' friends.

So, what are my travel goals for the next few months? I'd like to solidify my plans for Fukuoka. I want to study Japanese there for two weeks. I'm also rather keen to visit: the Philippines, Okinawa, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Hong Kong and Malaysia. My list is rather fluid, so I'm sure I'll add more destinations as time goes on.

Where my Noguchis at?