Friday, September 10, 2010

Snapshots: Back to school

"Gemma-sensei! Gemma-sensei!!" hissed one of my third-graders from the hallway. I was sitting at my desk, mostly focusing on fanning myself amidst the heat. It took me a couple seconds for me to snap out of my daze. When I finally did, the loud third-grader yelled "HERRO!!!!" then ran away. Kids do the funniest things.


School is indeed back in session. Things kicked off at the end of August. This summer, the heat is intoxicating. You'd think we'd have some air conditioning at school, right? But no. Everyone was sweating, and everyone looked miserable in the humidity. Funnily enough, there was a memo going around the office saying students were being granted permission to bring cold tea, sports drinks and water to school. (In general, kids aren't allowed to bring thermoses and bottled drinks to school. Even their lunch is supplied by the local school lunch center!) The drink allowance was an effort to prevent dozens of kids from fainting in the heat. This point was once again reiterated at the school assembly, but the teacher reminded them each student is responsible for their own trash. It's funny how mundane things are such big announcements around the office water cooler. (I made a funny.)


Three years ago, I was part of the opening ceremonies in August.This is an assembly wherein the principal gives a talk to help inspire the students.

I remember sitting in a chair next to Y-sensei. Waves of anxiety washed over me only when I saw about 300 students walk into the gym. It was the first time I saw all of my them. I got nervous as I heard them shuffling their chairs into orderly lines. It was overwhelming to see all of these Japanese faces stare at me, as I fumbled through my introductory speech.

On to my third year... like whoa!