Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thurs. Sept. 4 – Nihongo ga wakarimasen (I don’t understand Japanese!!)

My supervisor carefully penned my address in kanji (Chinese characters for me), as I wanted to send off my application for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. I will be writing some tests in December, which will measure my Japanese abilities. I’m a little overwhelmed by the test content, seeing as how I currently can’t speak, read nor write in Japanese. Right now, I know how to say some of the important greetings. Oh, and I can order beer and three apples. (Ringo mittsu o kudasai!)
I had my first Thursday evening Japanese classes this evening. Basically, each student is matched up with a tutor. I feel like I’m in the remedial class, because I was graced with the presence of three tutors. (I am definitely the token beginner in my mixed-level class). I am pretty stoked to have some structure in my Japanese studies.