Monday, October 27, 2008

Thurs. Oct. 2 – Japanese Class

Nanna saved the day, and drove all the way to my place to fix my car. It turns out that the light bulb was a little loose, so my problem was easily solved. I also asked him to show me how to check my oil, seeing as how I didn’t know how to do it. (I really don’t know anything about cars). All in all, he rocks.

I went to Japanese class, as per usual. I still have no idea what is going on. Good times! We do get a lovely snack during class, so that’s cool. And it’s nice to meet other people who live in my community. Surprisingly, there are a handful of Filipinos who live in Motomiya. One mother brings her three sons to Japanese class. The eldest was most likely born in the Philippines, so he’s learning. And the younger two were probably born here, so they seem fluent. Their names are even Japanese!