Monday, October 27, 2008

Tues. Sept. 30 – Kuruma!! SUGOI! (Car! Excellent!)

On Tuesday, I headed to my board of education (BoE),and waited for my car to be delivered. I wasn’t allowed to drive it, seeing as how it still didn’t have its nihoken (optional insurance on top of the mandatory one – very important!) I was allowed to leave it in the BoE parking lot.

Wed. Sept. 31 – Driving in Japan

I was once again beckoned to my BoE, and told that I was allowed to drive my car back home. I was a little nervous, seeing as how I had never driven in Japan. (They drive on the left side, and the driver’s seat is on the right side of the car. Awkward!)

It was decided that Muto-san would sit in my passenger seat while I drove. And Sanpei-san drove ahead of me, so that I could learn the way back home. Muto-san even took off his tie, and wiped down my front windshield. Dude goes above and beyond for me, eh. Bless his heart, as I believe Heather-sensei would say.

We took a lot of back roads (aka no lights or street names… so it all looked the same to me!) Driving isn’t bad at all! But we noticed my front headlight was weak, so we’ll need to get that checked out.