Saturday, September 20, 2008

F ri. Aug. 2 – Let me clear my throat… because I want a cell phone

My landlord knocked on my door early Friday morning. I was pretty happy to see him, because he wheeled in my fridge… I was a little confused, because I wasn’t expecting it that day. It turns out Sampei-san made the arrangements.
I spent the day cleaning again, plus I ventured out to the nearby convenience store so that I could start filling my fridge. (I still don’t have any clue as to what the cashiers are saying). Jay and Brian dropped by my place, and we ended up going shopping in Koriyama City. The new stuff has helped make my apato look more like home. I put together my new bookcase, filled with the bajillion pounds of literature from Tokyo Orientation and a couple books from home. I really had to MacGuyver it; I used an old pair of tweezers to put in the screws. We later met up with J’s gf and D., so that we could head to Koriyama. It was pretty busy, with women milling around in their kimonos and lanterns draped everywhere for the festival. (I’m pretty sure I was supposed to make an appearance in Fukushima city on Friday to meet up with the rest of the JETs… urnks? I hate being without a cell or the internet. I feel so disconnected from everyone!)
I was hoping to get a cell phone that night, but it turns out you need your gaijin card. It was probably all for the best that I halted my shopping, because there are so many pretty phones out there. I was really drawn to a model that you flip both ways and watch TV. You also have the option to add Internet to your phone, but that seems pretty blingin’. We’ll see… We also went to a foreign foods shop, where I got some real peanut butter and jam.
The Koriyama train station is filled with tons of shops and restaurants. We ate at a place serving deep fried deliciousness. (Girls, I still haven’t figured out how can I ask to take home my leftovers!!)
I also tried using the Japanese-style toilets (euphemism for “squat toilets.”) It grossed me out… but when in Japan?! (K., to think we wouldn’t even want to use those outhouses at Bluesfest! Ha… men’s bathroom, anyone??)