Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sat. Aug. 3 – Japanese Jehovah’s Witnesses

I spent the morning watching my Veronica Mars DVDs, compliments of my brother from the same mother. When I finally felt like braving the humid weather, I went on a two-hour walk to explore my surroundings. It turns out the brewery is pretty close to my place, so I’ll do up a tour at least once.
I also tried doing some groceries by myself. I did make a mistake with one of my purchases. I thought I had grabbed a can of delicious orange Fanta. In fact, it was Fanta with weird jelly mixed into it. That first swig did not quench my thirst!
Two Jehovah’s Witnesses also approached me today. They only spoke Japanese, so I tried to explain to them that I was Canadian. One of them wiggled his tie, furrowed his brow and then grabbed a book out of his bag. That was when he opened it up to the English page, and it explained they were Jehovah’s Witnesses looking to spread the word. It’s great how some things never change.
On the other hand, I’ve started noticing some of the differences between my own experiences and Japanese culture. When I was walking around the board of education with Sanpei-san, he asked if I had different shoes. I’m guessing he noticed that my favourite black Aldo pumps were clicking down the hallway. Oops? The garbage collection system here is unique as well. I’m pretty sure I heard the garbage man making an announcement on his loudspeaker when he dropped by earlier this morning. Finally, 16-year-olds aren’t out getting their driver’s licenses. When I was that age, I didn’t really like driving but I still got my learner’s permit. I was driving my parents’ Sunfire to school every day when I was in OAC.