Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tues. Aug. 12 – Happy Birthday Mom!

After a mere five hours of sleep, I stumbled out of bed and got ready to Skype home. There were some technical difficulties, but it was really nice to hear the voices of Mom and Dad. I hope Molomom had a wonderful birthday – I am sorry I could not be there to celebrate your special day with you! I think that my boss is excited to meet them in December.
Instead, I faced more orientation sessions. It wasn’t bad, except that I did indeed feel the after-effects from last night’s shenanigans! I should really take a hiatus from izakayas. (That a lie. We’re going to the Asahi Beer Factory for nomihodai, followed by karaoke next week. Here’s to partying with your co-workers!)
I took the train back home with JETs Brian, Heather and Ben. My supervisor picked B. and I up again. He took us out for dinner. I finally had that “Yes, I can use chopsticks moment” when our bossman ordered forks for us. It’s awkward that he asked for some chopsticks, since he’s seen me eat a few times already. When he dropped me off at my house, he left me tons o’ useful presents (pots, pans, rice cooker) and actually built my new fan for me. Dude goes above and beyond for me – but I still wish he’d get magically get me my cell phone and Internet. We’re apparently all going out to a festival this Friday. J
It was awesome to see all of my favourite boys and girls from across the ken again! I seriously love hanging out with the girls who live in the JETplex. Sometimes, I forget that I’m not one of them. I hope they don’t mind that I’ll be requesting some floor space every now and then. They are always welcome at my apaato, which I have dubbed “Pretty in Pink Palace.” And I’ve also latched myself with the chillin’ Iwaki dudes, who I met on our last night in Tokyo… Hanging out with Justin and Chris also makes me nostalgic re: Ottawa. (J-dawg, I already miss our mad awkward conversations, bahaha).