Saturday, September 20, 2008

Wed. Aug. 13 – Parking lots

I spent another day sweating in my apato, studying some Japanese and doing laundry. I also did a leisurely walk around my neighbourhood, and noticed some people were visiting the nearby cemetery. It reminded me of the last time I visited the cemetery in Oakville during the wintertime. Obviously, everything was blanketed under five feet of snow… so we left our flowers in areas where we thought was the fam plot.
While doing my groceries this evening, I ran into the big bossman from my board of education. I’m pretty sure he asked me if I had walked to the shopping area, so I nodded politely. When I walked home, I noticed there were traffic control officers standing out in the parking lot again. They wear a navy blue uniform, complete with an orange stick and smart-looking hat. They allow pedestrians to cross safely and such. I’ve never seen that at the St-Laurent Centre back home…