Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thurs. Aug. 21 – Drinking with the bossmen

Wads of crisp yen bills were placed in an envelope, waiting to fill up my new bank account. Thursday was Pay Day! I didn’t have direct deposit just yet, so they just handed me an envelope containing all of cash money.
Later that night, we ended up at the local beer factory. There was about seven of us seated around two tables. A hot grill surrounded by water was in the middle of each table, where you cooked your food. It was so good! We also turned this into yet another nomihodai event… I inadvertently asked my superintendent to order me three drinks at once. (I definitely need to learn Japanese, eh).
I also took various photos. I said “Kawaii!” once, thinking that I was saying a photo was “cute.” But in reality, I guess I called my superintendent “kawaii.” They all chuckled, and my supervisor said, “Gemma-san! He is a grandfather!!!” Good times… Let the awkward moments continue.